PART 1: I have this old moleskine journal that I started writing in late 2003. It is not lost on me that I picked it back up around now to add another part to the story that concerns all of the same conjurers.
PART 23aMaine is 20 hours away. If you leave today late, you’ll get there tomorrow afternoon.
20 hours of driving, pillow conversations about friends with Sahia in the back, laughing, listening to X, singing, eating too many jalapeno cheese crisps, then canoeing out to Kyle’s sailboat on the Catskill Creek in Catskill NY. Late 2 am & we still sit around jittery from so much driving, telling jokes & drinking beers.
maine, PART 23b
This is a true story. After driving 14 hours to maine, me sadye and buggey end up on a sailboat on the catskill creek with sahia and ryan?kyle? (how bad my memory is) telling bedtime stories. I like to pick 3 random things to tell a story about, so I say “sadye, it’s your turn. Tell a story about some Christmas lights, a stop sign, and a leprechaun. Without skipping a beat she says ‘once I was walking home from a bar with gabo nick and sean and we stopped at an intersecrtion at a stop sign to admire some christmas lights across the street when a woman pulls up in her car and says ‘IM DRunK and I cant find the Charlotte Pub’ Nick then says ‘I’ve got to go right over there, ill show you’ so she says ‘Get in Leprechaun!” and he gets in and they drive off. The end”
“that’s a true story too” I yell half drunk off four beers as I try to pick out constellations and feel the boat move in the wind. PARTy 23c
We leave early the next morning; buggey gets another canoe at the dock and brings it back to us. I wake up thinking about the puzzle “the farmer, the wolf, the goat and the corn are crossing the river…” We eat at some restaurant named Ursula’s & we are nicer then the waitress. Every where we go it feels like this.
I drive so fast and we are at 12 mills Belfast Maine. So many loves that I just settled into, sit around & smoke cigarettes, small talk & overarching questions like “How have you been these last couple of years?”
This journal (see PART 1) was the beginning of meeting all these people. New Orleans to Asheville. 2004-2005. Quite a year of intensity and beauty.
Seeing all these loves all over again. A hard thing to describe. I am not a huge part of this community but I am there and I am cared for. Parts of me get me down, think “im not woth much” but these kids so lovely, I just couldn’t see them say that about anyone. And the kids really know me, really love me.
“Now we walk in beauty, beauty is before me, beauty is behind me, above and below me.”
We all sang this and held hands and spiraled around into the center of the ceremony and then Dan and Amy belted out their vows and I started crying. I didn’t stop. I didn’t know why. But even when the ceremony was over and the brass started up again, and all the wizards were drinking tea from every part of the country, and everyone was smiling and hugging I sat by the water and stared out over the boats. Greg came over and gave me a hug and I just needed to sit there and think about things. When it finally settled in I gave Dan and Amy a hug and just started to cry all over again.
I guess it was just one of those things, after feeling stuck in a place where I felt so worthless and unloved, it was just too overwhelming to be back somewhere in the arms of so many loved ones. I had never been there just like we had all never been there, but it was something I had been conjuring for a long time, even in the midst of so much desperation. They were there for me, as if they had never left and never did leave. They continue to stand in that circle on that coast in Maine on that September day, singing. I talked to Dan about it later, just how lucky I felt to have so many sweet wingnuts for friends. He said “It’s something that isn’t so huge, on the forefront, but subtle. Part of my life.” I wish that I could stay there too, in the subtle beauty of my life. It’s a good goal to work for.
To be continued…
please look at the pictures from that weekend:
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