my room mate is practicing an acrobatics routine to meat loaf in the yard.
i made this top, which actually turns out to be one of the most comfortable bra like things i could ever dream for. it will become a much nicer pattern.
(these pictures are backwards because i took them with my computer instead of my camera.)

all because of my new magical machine! i havent had a sewing machine for almost 2 and a half months, but now that i have i found this beautiful beast, ill be posting a lot more.

i made this top, which actually turns out to be one of the most comfortable bra like things i could ever dream for. it will become a much nicer pattern.
(these pictures are backwards because i took them with my computer instead of my camera.)

all because of my new magical machine! i havent had a sewing machine for almost 2 and a half months, but now that i have i found this beautiful beast, ill be posting a lot more.