fall has finally come to New Orleans. My roommates are back the a/c is off. It feels wonderful and friends are on their way back. best of all, it also means its time for socks and sock garters. how i start missing those in the summer. i made these ones tonight and i really love them! hopefully ill have better pictures up soon and you can get your own in my etsy shop as soon as i do that.
Also, I'm moving out of the Shack. It's been a good run but really i'd like to live inside a house! not on a concrete slab. It's got its perks, like being able to be really loud and play ace of base at top volume late at night, but i dont like the mold in my sewing machine oil. wtf? so here's pictures of my happy abode, soon to be a memory just like all my other rooms.
ALSO its pretty amazing how not being able to see close up makes you NEVER want to do things like sew, or read, or write at all. Thank god for these guys because now im back at what i love.

PS. and just because i miss richie.