I finished the job I was in the middle of when I moved, much to my and my back's relief. I cannot believe the pain that I forced myself to endure. Next time I hurt myself that bad I need to just get a job as a barista, or do data entry or something. Anything but sewing. But i was happy with the dresses.
Besides that, I've been hand raising a little chick, it seems that she just wouldn't take a liking to any of the moms, just me. and i never thought infectious diseases were cute before but she has chicken pox! I didn't even know chicken's got chicken pox. ha, I'm a genius.
I wasn't really planning on being around here that long this summer, and i'll be taking off to Arcata to visit Jackie within a couple of weeks. Also up to South Carolina for a wedding and a stop in Asheville. I have been dreaming about paper and friends.
Hope y'all are well.