I finished the job I was in the middle of when I moved, much to my and my back's relief. I cannot believe the pain that I forced myself to endure. Next time I hurt myself that bad I need to just get a job as a barista, or do data entry or something. Anything but sewing. But i was happy with the dresses.
Besides that, I've been hand raising a little chick, it seems that she just wouldn't take a liking to any of the moms, just me. and i never thought infectious diseases were cute before but she has chicken pox! I didn't even know chicken's got chicken pox. ha, I'm a genius.
I wasn't really planning on being around here that long this summer, and i'll be taking off to Arcata to visit Jackie within a couple of weeks. Also up to South Carolina for a wedding and a stop in Asheville. I have been dreaming about paper and friends.
Hope y'all are well.
Hello Sarah Sky
Uncle Greg says Hi, and wishes you peace, love and happiness. Come see us in south Florida sometime. We live 5 miles south of West Palm Beach.
Love Betty, Greg & Michael
Hello Sarah Sky
Uncle Greg says Hi, and wishes you peace, love and happiness. Come see us in south Florida sometime. We live 5 miles south of West Palm Beach.
Love Betty, Greg & Michael
you didn't leave your email, so i'm responding on here. It is really good to hear from you. I'm glad to hear you and Uncle Greg and Michael are well.
Just to let you know, i still think your pecan pie is the best i've ever had. Still.
sarah sky
Ok sorry for that this is my email address bkochanows@aol.com and Glad you liked my pie you have a good memory that must have been a long time ago you need to try my wonderful rum cake everybody loves it.
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