Sunday, November 10, 2013

What i love about Rookie and Tavi Gevinson

A lot of people talk about rookie as if it was sassy magazine. I was a little too young for sassy, though i do remember my cousin getting them and i would sneak a peak or two. But by the time i was coming of age (12 is a big year y'all) in 95, it had been absorbed into 'Teen magazine. My radicalization was owed to the internet, specifically Pander Zine Distro and Mimi Nguyen radical feminist and Zinester. I would pour over a copy of Factsheet Five trying to figure out where to send my dollars to, but once i found Pander there was no going back. She even distroed my zines eventually and I was really proud of that fact.  Some of those zines were written by older people and some of them by teenagers just like me.

That's why it doesn't amaze me that a 17 year old named Tavi Gevinson edits a "casually radically feminist" online magazine called Rookie. Go there now if you have never been, i'll be waiting for when you get back.

I would have been all over this if it had happened back in my time. There is a part of me that wishes the internet hadn't been so disjointed back then. There wasn't one big site you could go to, to find out everything. No myspace, wikipedia, or blogs. You had to have your own website on a server and ftp your html to that shit. When you wanted to talk to people there wasn't even AOL instant Messenger. You had to join IRC chat rooms and wonder around joining "rooms" and saying HI, to total internet strangers. You maybe could have created a chat room called #casuallyradicalfeminists but i probably would have gotten insane amounts of trolls because lets face it, back then, I was a total weirdo as a girl being on the computer all the time. It was mostly a boy's playground. Now it doesn't matter. Everyone is on the internet!

They didn't have to go through the internet gauntlet, the political gauntlet, and they aren't jaded because of it. That is the best part, because don't we all remember that point where we just got tired of the fight. Where we just wanted to be who we were but then we had to listen to 
Rush Limbaugh, and therefor the other ignorant men in our lives, using the term feminazi. So maybe we just hid it a little bit? Maybe we just didn't talk to anyone about our ideas on gender and feminism. Rookie and Tavi exist outside of that. Outside of politics. Outside, and on the internet. It's like they've cracked the code to not being affected by any of that, being both under the radar and controlling the radar. And they are giving all of us hope. I am 30! I know so many women in their 20s and 30s who read it. And I am still learning things that I never got the chance to learn as a teenager. 

What's happening out there in the internet and the land of rookie gives me more hope for the future than any zine my friend still makes, because it has the capacity to reach millions. It has the capacity to reach anyone who google's a simple question. 

We are out here, those of us raised by feminist theory writing, those of us raised by sassy, those of us raised by zines, and now those of us raised by rookie. It's found a way where you don't have to be in the "in" club. You just have to be interested. Thats what I love most about the internet. Regardless of gender, color, or anything else you can google anything and someone will tell you. 

Friday, November 1, 2013

Lady says Good Morning

Lady has taken to eating breakfast with us at the table. Generally just being part of the table experience. I love it. I love her.

she still gives us the stink eye though.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Ursula's Wedding in Bryson City

What do I want to say about my sister's wedding.
1. it was hard
2. i didn't want nearly as much attention for making the dress that i got.
3. it was fun
4. I am still a pretty shy person
5. Having the room in the cabin with the hot tub was awesome.
6. I wish i could have spent more time enjoying it but it feels like time just keeps rushing by really fast and i can hardly catch it.
7. I loved seeing ALL OF MY FAMILY. I LOVE  and MISS YOU GUYS!!!

Friday, October 18, 2013

Parasite Cleanse is Over

After 30 days of the Paragone Parasite cleanse, can i say it was worth it? YES.

The most awesome thing i've noticed is that a low level anxiety that i'm pretty sure i have been living with for a long time has gone. Its huge and small simultaneously. It was so lo grade anxiety that i didnt notice it was there until it was gone. The dark spots under my eyes have diminished greatly. I am not as sensitive to light. WIERD STUFF.

Is it all parasites? I don't know.

Last week me and chris went up to north carolina for my sister's wedding and normally when we travel together we fight. Daily. We didn't fight once. Are parasites the root of my anger? Probably not, but i do feel a lot better and wish i had done this years ago.

But then i might not have the novel idea about Parasites taking over and controlling a person's life. Which I will be writing for November Novel Writing Month.

I've always wanted to do it, so here goes nothing.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Day 15 of the ParaGone Parasite Cleanse.

Like I said in this earlier post: Back Home, I am doing a Parasite cleanse. I think I was on day 3 or 4 when I wrote that post. I had from the beginning been passing parasites but kept thinking they were noodles. I have been trying to stay away from sugar and wheat (part of the cleanse they recommend) and had been eating a lot of Vietnamese food.

It took me 4 years to do this because I kept thinking it would require this GIGANTIC diet change. I just didn't want to do it. I was a Vegetarian for 17 years and a vegan for 4 of those. And now I eat what I want (organic, rgbh free, pesticide and antibiotic free). Really, I eat much better now than I ever did as a chemical vegan. Do y'all know what that is? You would be surprised at what they can substitute real food with and it becomes vegan. Now, I don't eat it if I don't know what it is. At first I did good with the no wheat and sugar, and then I gave up the ghost. Ate whatever i wanted, and guess what? The cleanse still seems to be working.

I have about 2-3 bowel movements a day and what I thought were noodles, were in fact worms. I have passed things that look like chunks of tomato, and sesame seeds (i do not eat sesame seeds, i am allergic) and i have passed weird rubbery things, and also lots of flukes, which just look a lot like wet shavings. Also, all of my poops have been very effervescent. And green. Very dark green. I read somewhere that maybe its a lot of bile coming out of my liver. Sounds good to me.

I have decided that while it freaks me out to realize (AND I KNEW FOR 4 YEARS THAT I HAD A PARASITE INFECTION) that these things have been living inside of me for that long (maybe longer). I am also really happy getting them out. This is my last day before my 5 day hiatus (supposedly to let the eggs get laid or hatch or die off, or something. NOT SURE). Then i am going to do it again at full strength for 15 days more. If at that time I am still passing these things, I am going to get another box and keep going until it stops. They say you can do this for 3 months, and after my planned cleanse it will only be a month.

With all this cleansing, I want to do a Liver Cleanse next (and i'm trying to figure out which one to do because I REALLY DON'T WANT TO DRINK OLIVE OIL). But really, I don't have to do the "best" one, i should just do it because really! anything helps!

I am planning on moving away from New Orleans. Not sure where. A lot of dawning has come to light. As in it dawned on my that I do not live in a playground, I live in a war zone. It dawned on me that only 3 of my old friends still live here. It dawned on me that I would rather live somewhere else where I don't get cat called every time I step out the gate.

So once I leave New Orleans guess whats gonna happen? A heavy Metal Cleanse and I am making Chris do this one too because guess what? Its heavy metal. Little bad joke there. Do you know how much lead is in my house, or in the soil here? I don't even want to go there. I've been trying to collect non-metal cookware (besides cast iron because that is good for you!), plates that are enameled after the 70s (gotta really throw mine away even though they are so charming and old), and i haven't drunk the water in about a year.

I've got a lot of damage to repair but i do have to say that this parasite cleanse has done wonders for my mood! Really! It's almost like i'm my old self again. I hope I will be able to blame everything on parasites, and the amount coming out of me. I might just. xo

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

well, rookiemag it was a good run.

I have to say that rookiemag ushered in my second teenagehood, but that it is over. Rookiemag is no longer the really poignant place it was a year ago. I mean, come on guys, Haunted is the October theme? You really couldn't get any less obvious than a kindergarten teacher.

Oh well. All good things come to an end and I am moving on.

I will treasure the Rookie Yearbook one for years to come, but i've graduated.

Friday, September 20, 2013

I am tired of being a target

my boyfriend is privileged, and because he is privileged he is ignorant. There is only so much you can tell someone. they have to learn it on their own, but because some people have money they will never be in the situation to learn. thats all there is to it.

after pizza night, at 11 pm when i am biking home by myself because he wants to hang out, unwind and drink. i hold my chain in my hand. some of my friends, mostly ladies, drive. they dont want to be held up at gun point and more importantly, dont want to be raped.

sometimes i think i need to read the crime blotter to chris every day so he knows what is going on around him. instead of whatever he thinks is, or doesnt even think about at all.

it feels good when i come home, and i am here alone and the neighbor is not screaming or the neighbors neice's baby is not crying, and it is quiet.

It feels like it is just me and lady here, and i feel safe because i live in a gated place with windows that dont open and a door that locks well and is metal. this is when i like living here. mostly because i can keep it whatever temperature i want, and i have all the things i need, and if i dont, i can order them from the internet.

I stand around at pizza night and i think, yes there are definitely a handful of people that i like and want to see.

is that enough to be scared for my life? Is that enough to live in a toxic environment and a violent one with a person who does not acknowledge it? And in that non-acknowledgment does not stand up for me or help me fight it or help me figure a way out of it. Instead he just moves about on his same old, luckily avoiding being a target in any way while i battle it everyday. i am tired of being a target.

it gets tiresome.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Back Home

Being back home rules. I mean it. I've been checking off the list that leads to a sister wedding dress done in 3 weeks. I haven't left the house except for a trip to the doctor and a few bike rides and I have to say its been great. Im also on day 4 of a parasite cleanse.

I've pretty much needed to do this for 4 years. It's not as bad as everyone makes it out to be, bloating, pooping, etc. Seeing as whenever i come back to new orleans some intense amount of tiredness overtakes me, its not really messing with whats important.

number one: dress. dress is most important.

2: cleanse

3: eating right (which on the parasite cleanse they say no wheat or sugar) which i just cannot abide. im sorry. Yes, i am a product of the 21st century. I like bread made of wheat and i like cookies. a lot. pizza. what is wrong with pizza? really can you tell me? I don't understand why it is so bad for you. cheese bread tomatoes veggies. yummy.

4: letting my heart and mind wonder all over the information web. watch movies, daydream, write about my daydreams, really tap into my brain heart conundrum, get angsty if thats part of it, and just generally get the space to not question desires and actions. I do what i want. (except for bathing, right now i am too scared of the brain eating amoebas in the water supply.)

5. being active. I downloaded this app on my smart phone called Sworkit. Yoga, stretching, different strength training moves. Great. love it. Going to use it. In conjunction with Ekhart Yoga on youtube. I need to slowly come up to doing some circuit training because i did a 20 minute workout in jersey and it destroyed me for 4 days! I mean it.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Rikki Tikki Tavi and Donovan

Songs inspired by children's literature. I want more.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Being on and Getting off the boat.

The adventure so far has been quite like a lot of my summer adventures usually are, ridiculous. Chris, Luke and I rented a car for 23 hours ( time change ) and drove it from New Orleans to Marathon Key, dropped off our stuff. Chris and Luke slept on the boat for an hour and then got up and drove the car back to Miami. It was the only place they would let us drop it off without charging us another arm and leg for the privelege. They then took a whole day getting from Miami to Marathon Key for 5 bucks on public transportation. Wish I had known about that with all the times spent down there in my early 20s. Miami has a way of making you want to escape. I spent that day eating at a Cuban restaurant with Paul and then laying by a pool crawling with iguanas. Suffice it to say, the trip was off to a good start.

Paul has been there for about 3 weeks lending help to another boat of friends that were also going to head up to Maine. He was really ready to leave, I wanted to do some snorkeling before we took off. Unfortunately the first day I got insane sea sickness. I couldn't keep anything down at all. No water, no food. It was sad, because by the time we got to the first snorkeling place, I was so weak all I could do was float in a life preserver tied to the boat. That night we anchored in unprotected waters because we wanted to go to the nicest snorkeling spot. I at least managed to put on a snorkel mask and look down as I was tied to the boat in a life preserver there. All day again I could barely keep anything down. By the evening, I had managed some water and some graham crackers. Paul enthused by my "recovery," (I still felt incredibly sick and was contemplating getting off the boat back then, i thought I would die. Really) wanted to get on the Gulf Stream immediately as to not lose a day. He had promised me we would go into Miami and I would be able to get seasickness medicine to last our days on the Gulf Stream. By the time we were near Miami he had changed his mind, thought i was fine. I wondered how best to get to shore, 2 life preservers and my floating bag. I would jump off the boat if need be.  Chris agreed with Paul, but thank god Luke was there. Luke stuck up for me and we went into Miami so I could get medicine, even though it cost us a day.

That evening we anchored and walked to Publix. I got every kind of seasickness medicine they had and then we went back to the boat where the boys made hamburgers and I passed out. They did not save me one. The next day we took off and I didn't feel a thing. It was awesome to be on a boat where every rock didn't connect to some seriously ill pulling inside of my body. The medicine did however make me incredibly sleep, dull witted and zombie like. I could mostly only pull my strength together to get up, pee in a bucket and drink a San Pellegrino. This zombie like state lasted another 3 days in which I was incapable of manning the tiller. I didn't touch a sail at all the entire time on the boat and any adventure to the bow was frought with worry and weakness. That medicine made me weak. most people say that they are fine on it, but things hit me a lot harder than most. I should have stocked up on a homeopathic remedy, but had not. I decided I needed to stop taking the medicine, because if I was just going to be a zombie the rest of the time, it would be better to be lolling about in a different place. Instead of taking up precious room on a tiny boat. The day before we got into Beaufort, South Carolina I felt fine. The weather was great, no storms, no water spits like the Day before. I thought I could do it, I had gotten used to it. I was gonna be fine. I could be a sailor. We got into port, anchored and went to sleep after I took a renegade shower on the dock with a hose in my bathing suit. I hadn't had a chance to wash the sick off and my hair was turning to straw, I also had a yeast infection.

Beaufort South Carolina is beautiful. Not really a functional town near the anchorage, mostly touristy shops and specialty shops. But they had a library and a ups store and a good bagel shop and a good coffee shop all under beautiful old live oaks. The water front was a park for the public with lots of tree shade and in the evening families walked up and down and kids did gymnastics in the grass. It was quite a sight, because New Orleans has so few children. I definitely thought I could live there for a little bit. wee stayed there for two days, enough time to eat 3 burgers, have dinner with Chris's mom's best friend, do laundry, take 3 showers and sit around and read all the New Yorkers we found.

Next stop Beaufort, North Carolina. The wind had changed direction a little bit and instead of east, it was now coming from the southeast in gales. I was sick again and back on the medicine. Our second
night out we hit a storm in which I cowered in the v berth while lightning struck and the second reef was ripped out of the sail. It was at that point that I forgave myself for the flying cloud. I had always harbored some sort of sadness for never really finishing her. That night as the lighting flashed and the reef ripped and my friends were out there fighting with the sails in epic waves and gales, I forgave myself. There is something that sailors love to prove and I didn't have an ounce of that desire. They also have a trust that I have learned to let go of.

We finished our sail to Beaufort North Carolina on just the storm jib in 15 foot waves. I think we maintained about 7 knots. I of course was lolling around in the v birth. Calling my mom to get aunt Judy's number. I was getting off. I was not a sailor and I was sad. Fortunately I stayed on another 4 days or so as we went up the inter coastal. Beautiful sailing and friends and cooking meals and not being a zombie and doing stuff. It was really nice and reminded me why I love it, but I also realized that I am a lake and inter coastal sailor and I was not made for the sea sadly enough. It is a scary and inhospitable place and don't think otherwise.

We pulled into Elizabeth City North Carolina and I challenge you to find a nicer place filled with nicer people. It cannot be done. Free docking for 48 hours, free bikes for us to use. The first night out a stranger bought us a round of drinks and people stopped by just to say hello. me and Chris rode out to a pool  3 miles away and somehow my bathing suit shorts didn't make it into the bag, so the woman at the front desk drove me to the boat to get them. blown away. i dont even give tourists directions. It was so nice I can't recommend it enough. If North Carolina wasn't so scary in regards to female reproductive rights I would think about moving there.

That was the end of the line with me and the boat. We had a BBQ and watched the fireworks and they left the next morning for the Dismal Swamp Canal and I went north to New Jersey.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Sailing away very soon!

About a week ago my friend, Paul Calder called my boyfriend up about sailing from Miami to Maine. Chris hemmed and hawed and then asked if i could come too (at my insistance) and lo and behold: we are setting out towards miami on the 15th.

Since then I've been keeping 8 million lists lying around adding new things here and there, but the best thing i found was this: The Ultimate Packing List. A website that lets you pick a few options, including weather, bag size, travel modes, etc. Try it out. Instead of racking my brain trying to figure out what i need, i just print it out.

I'd only done an overnight sail on paul's boat, but the one thing i remember is that everywhere was pretty much packed to the gills already. I figure whatever i bring, will end up in my bunk. I got a hanging bathroom accoutrements bag, that has pockets big enough for kindle and daily necessities and a Sealline 35L Boundary Pack (made in seattle and really worth 80 bucks!). I figured it will get me through whatever happens. Rain, rail, or comfort. Its tough, waterproof, and very squish-able.  I also got a new headlamp which everyone should be given at birth. Jade gifted me an already cut filson's bag she just happened to have lying around. I stitched it up yesterday and i have to say, its going to be the best bag ever.

I made a video while stitching it, hopefully i will get it done soon. But i've got a lot on my plate. Check out, it'll go there when it's finished along with the pattern (after i talk to jade about it!) Which just might be september because i am going to be gone that long and I am so excited.

As with everything with me, it just takes time but you know the quality will be awesome.

Lady says hi! xo

Sunday, May 5, 2013

working hard and not worrying too much.

ain't that loving you, for more reasons than one.

Jazz Fest down here. Beautiful day after a week of rain. When anyone said they were going anywhere i would say "oh man, i want to go there." Today, here is alright. New Orleans. Glad to be here.

Been working at a little shop on magazine in place of my friend jade, so there's a little more money to float the new endeavor. Which, honestly, i am not afraid of at all. Is that weird?  I thought that trying to start a business and get something going and being dedicated would scare me. Thats why I haven't tried before. It doesn't at all. I think having Chris to depend on makes a huge difference. I know I won't be homeless and struggling if i don't succeed. We will just figure it out.

never had that before.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Starting a Clothing Company.

Well, I've decided that i'll be sailing away on a sea of fabric! As awesome as Mexico sounded, this just felt better. I've been known to adventure around a bit, so I'm sure it will happen soon enough.

                                                  50s style White Circle Skirt Dress

As I said in my last post, i've dabbled a little bit in trying to sell my dresses to people, but often got bogged down in the INSANE amount of things I didn't even know I had to do. And i'm not even starting out that big, im starting with the patterns i've made already and the fabric i have already. Trying to keep my overhead real low, and busting my ass. I've figured that if i can sell 10 dresses a month, i've got my bills covered. Probably won't be into that swing until next month, but working towards it. Luckily I was saving up for a trip to Europe, so I had some money stashed to get started.

I checked out a bunch of books from the library about doing this. How to Sell Your Crafts Online by Derrick Sutton is exactly what i was looking for. Written for the web savvy person who learns quickly it points out things you should know, to get the audience you are looking for. Mysteries Revealed! I like it so much, I've checked it out twice and will probably purchase it.

Don't even bother checking out The Handmade Marketplace by Kari Chapin. Really useless, unless you are a total novice to even thinking about selling your stuff.

Other half decent books: The Starting an Etsy Business dummies guide and How to Make Money using Etsy.

Also, my parents and Chris helped chip in for half of a good digital camera. THANKS! I LOVE YALL!!!

Also, because I haven't really run accross any other super beginner checklists, here is mine. I wanted to look at other people's just to see how they organized, but no luck. 
Here's my plan:

    - [+] Business Supplies Needed
        - [+] Internet
        - [+] Printer/Scanner - 80
        - [+] Digital Camera - 500
    - [-] Samples
        - [-] Source Materials
            - [ ] Make Screens
                - [ ] Images Designed
                    - [ ] Transparencies Printed
                - [ ] Screenprinting
                    - [ ] Get Ink
                    - [ ] Make Screens
                        - [ ] Design Labels
                            - [ ] Label Screen
        * [ ] Make All Dresses in size medium
    - [ ] Manufacturing
        - [ ] Patterns
            - [ ] Make patterns
            - [ ] Sizes S, M, L
        - [ ] Fabrics
            - [ ] Source
                - [ ] Order
                    - [ ] Make Samples
                        - [ ] Medium size
        - [ ] Dying
            - [ ] purchase dyes, dye bucket, dye tools
    - [ ] Sales
        - [ ] Come up with a Name
            - [ ] Relatable to theme of my clothes
        - [ ] Online
            - [ ] Etsy
                - [ ] Listings
                    - [ ] wording for each garment, turn around times,
                          sizing, etc.
                    - [ ] Pictures
                        - [ ] Models
            - [ ] Website
            * [ ] Blog
        - [ ] In Stores
            - [ ] Take Items to Bon Castor
            - [ ] Talk to uptown shops

Seems overwhelming, especially when i'm not even doing the thing that I really want to do, first off. As i already said in my last post was all organic, sustainable,  but i will build to it. Thanks to a two hour converstion with my mom where she convinced me to just use the fabric i have, and make what i've already patterned and designed.  Make em and put em up online, start the marketing stuff and also just bike on down to Bon Castor.

The problem is, I haven't even figured out a name yet. Really. REALLY!!! There are so many things it seems overwhelming, but i am taking the plunge and making it happen.

                                                                   The Wrap Dress

Friday, March 8, 2013

living in lack or living in..

Well, I've been layed off from the bookshop. I suppose it probably won't surprise anyone. Who buys books from bookstores anymore? The ridiculous thing was that they gave me two hours notice.

While I weigh my options my mind runs rampant.

Will I sublet my apartment and sail to Mexico for a couple of months?

Will I start the wage slavery again, just to be able to know I can pay my bills?

Will I hope for a call from a movie?

Will I start a business?

     The business idea, i have to confess has been on my mind for several years. I've mildly dabbled in the ways of etsy, never quite sure how anyone would ever find my shop in the millions, and once there, would they really want my sock garters?

      When I lived in Asheville, i made a couple of patterns and sewed up a couple of samples and took them down to The Honeypot, a by consignment shop of local artisans and seamstresses. The owner took a look at my designs, held them up to her boyish framed body and said, could you bring the waist up? I had designed them for bustier ladies such as myself, because clothes were hard to find for my body type. In the end she said she liked them, but i had to have 8 pieces in the shop at all times for congruency. I ended up just sewing costumes for the circus instead.

     It made me start thinking about fit in a way i hadn't really. How most people make RTW and deal with fit is: jersey/stretchy fabrics and elastic. I really wasn't in love with either of those things. In the past couple of years i have come up with a couple of designs that look fetching on all body frames, are size variant while still looking very becoming, and use regular old soft cotton fabric with no elastic. There's a store here in the bywater called Bon Castor that is very similar, that I've sold a couple of dresses at.

     The problem is, I've never been completely happy with the fabrics i use. If I'm going to make MORE CLOTHES than what already fills second hand stores, dumpsters, and ships going to South America, I want to make them really really sustainably. I want to make an item that you never really want to part with and that will grow and shrink with you. I want to make something that will last. I want to make a timeless piece of clothing.

    I want it to be organic, with naturally sound dyes, locally (or at least within the united states) woven, and sew it myself. Potentially either using only solar power, or a treadle machine. I AM NOT KIDDING.

    People have been making beautiful garments for thousands of years. I am blown away by hand painted kimonos from the Tang dynasty that are still beautiful. There is no reason that fashion has to be thrown away. That what I make has to be thrown away. There is no reason that I too cannot follow in the footsteps of a fine clothier of ancient past.

    The one setback for me has always been the start up. To be able to economically be able to do this, and have a steady line, not just an "upcycled" line where I find whatever I can at any given moment to be able to sell something. I want a continuity in fabric. And the kind of fabric I want, you have to buy in bulk. I'd already have it if it wasn't out of my budget. Who wouldn't want seemingly endless amounts of beautiful organic cotton to play with? Janome also makes a sewing machine for the treadle that is about 250. But that can be something I work towards.

    If i don't decide to sail to Mexico. Because there is another aspect to the business thing that I don't know if I should share due to the ridiculousness of it. I have never been comfortable with the idea of money. I need it, I use it every day. I pay rent, I pay electric, I work for it. But the idea of getting down and dirty and becoming a full on entrepreneur? The word sounds like manure to me, which i think is giving manure a bad association. In the last couple of days while I've researched organic cotton mills in the us and wind powered ones in India, I've also tried to grasp my resistance. WHY? I haven't really come up with much except that i believe in the idea of a no-growth economy, mostly because i attribute the greediness of capitalism with the imminent global catastrophe of extinction, ocean death, and climate change. I'd rather have salmon swimming around in the world than a particular shade of turquoise, and that's saying a lot because i live in the southeast where i never see salmon and turqouise is my favorite color. If i could go back in time and make sure the motor engine that runs on fossil fuels was not invented, i probably would. This doesn't make me a steampunk, just an environmentalist. And lets face it, Fashion is a four letter word for the environment. The throw away-ness of it and the ever changing "seasons."

    I won't be aiming for those high fashion people. I will be aiming for people like me and my mom and my friend's and their moms. Women who care, and who have a few clothing items they love and cherish. In my estimation it would only cost slightly more than something you can get at urban outfitters. But the value of it would be so much more.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Incarceration, Fear, the Future

Lately I have been dreaming of living in a more equal world. There was something about the New Orleans reality that spoke to me, because I firmly believe that when one person is imprisoned, we all are. And in New Orleans, the dire affects of such an unequal and racist capitalist society are incredibly obvious. I know it seems trite. i know that i could sit here and say people choose their actions. and yes. that is true. But also, we don't. When you are told you are worthless, or won't amount to much, when you are incarcerated, or not taught in schools, or caught in the pipeline from schools to prison. What do you think is going to happen?  Racism and Sexism explain these things. I wanted to live somewhere where it couldn't be ignored. That it is very real and very unsustainable for ourselves, no matter how much we may benefit from our race and class privilege. In the end, none of us benefit because we live in fear and lose our loved ones. All of us.

Is it like this because we had to balance out slavery with another form of slavery? There are more black men in prison than were enslaved in 1850. We have to learn from history because we are doomed to repeat it.

But, I don't want to debate that. I want to point out that it isn't like this in other countries. I live in the state in the country that has the highest incarceration rate in the world. I have seen how it tears apart communities and lives. How it destroys any sort of reprieve from violence in our lives and our hearts. How it is tearing me apart.

In relation to the world we are above, Rwanda, Cuba, and Russia. Talk about freedom, huh!
"According to the International Centre for Prison Studies at King's College London, the U.S. currently has the largest documented prison population in the world, both in absolute and proportional terms. We've got roughly 2.03 million people behind bars, or 701 per 100,000 population. China has the second-largest number of prisoners (1.51 million, for a rate of 117 per 100,000), and Russia has the second-highest rate (606 per 100,000, for a total of 865,000). Russia had the highest rate for years, but has released hundreds of thousands of prisoners since 1998; meanwhile the U.S. prison population has grown by even more. Rounding out the top ten, with rates from 554 to 437, are Belarus, Bermuda (UK), Kazakhstan, the Virgin Islands (U.S.), the Cayman Islands (UK), Turkmenistan, Belize, and Suriname, which you'll have to agree puts America in interesting company. South Africa, a longtime star performer on the list, has dropped to 15th place (402) since the dismantling of apartheid.  -"
I'm also going to post a link to the Wiki page: . So you can look at the statistics yourself.

The point is, while the world changed in the 80s and 90s. Downfall of apartheid and communism, and more importantly Dictatorships, but we went the other way. While America's politicians talked about freedom, we waged war on ourselves. And people stood by and watched it happen. Our parents sold us out to china. To prison. To a future that lacks not only economic security, environmental security, but even autonomy and freedom.

This is something I've been trying to find in myself. What the fall is that we are experiencing. For the sake of security, out parents took more than was their share. We don't have it anymore. Now what do i do?

I think i might move to Maine. I'd like to move to Denmark.

Jurisdiction Prisoners per
100,000 population
- United States 504
1 Louisiana 853
2 Mississippi 735
3 Oklahoma 661
4 Texas 639
5 Alabama 634
6 Arizona 567
7 Florida 557
8 Georgia 540
9 South Carolina 519
10 Arkansas 511
11 Missouri 509
12 Kentucky 492
13 Virginia 489
14 Michigan 488
15 Nevada 486
16 Idaho 474
17 California 467
18 Colorado 467
19 Delaware 463
20 Ohio 449
21 Indiana 442
22 Tennessee 436
23 Alaska 430
24 South Dakota 412
25 Connecticut 407
26 Maryland 403
27 Pennsylvania 393
28 Wyoming 387
29 Wisconsin 374
30 Oregon 371
31 Montana 368
32 North Carolina 368
33 Illinois 351
34 Hawaii 332
35 West Virginia 331
36 New Mexico 316
37 New York 307
38 Kansas 303
39 New Jersey 298
40 Iowa 291
41 Washington 272
42 Vermont 260
43 Nebraska 247
44 Rhode Island 240
45 Utah 232
46 North Dakota 225
47 New Hampshire 220
48 Massachusetts 218
49 Minnesota 179
50 Maine 151

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Kindle, Ethics, and Dying Bookstores

Damn, my kindle is fly! Chris got it for me for Christmas. Guess what i did today? I was reading this article on rookie and the author mentioned a book that i NEEDED to read. So i typed it in an internet search, found a copy that someone had scanned and then I emailed it to my kindle. Now i have the book. WHA?

I don't know if this is wrong. I work at a bookstore, the last time the new bookstore sold it was on 3/6/2009. They obviously have not stocked another one. We have never had a used copy. So i could order it on ingram for me, which would cost me 9.80 with my 30% off discount. My bookstore would only make 1.40 off of me. Or i could buy it on Amazon for 7.55 plus shipping (which would probably be around 2-4) making it smarter to buy it from my bookstore if i didn't care about time. I could probably have it in 2 days from amazon and if i ordered it today with the bookstore, i would have it next wednsday. Do you see why bookstores are failing?

I could also go and get it at the Main library, they have two in stock, but the library closes an hour before i get out of here. its carnival and the superbowl and i dont want to go downtown. So i could have them send it to my branch in the bywater. It would take about 3 days. Then i could have it for two weeks. Will i read it in that amount of time? Im not sure. I'd like to, but i read several books at once so i take a long time.

here are my rationalizations:
1. Roland Barthe is deceased. He won't get a penny for his thoughts.
2. Trees. I like them. I like the idea of an electronic thing that doesn't kill trees.
3. Hopeful Ethics. I believe that all knowledge should be free. I know capitalism doesn't work like this. I believe that anyone hoping to really do something for education and thought and knowledge should be taken care of anyway. (food should be free. housing should be free.) I know that these hopeful ideas do not rationalize stealing.
4. What am i stealing? am i stealing?
5. I have it now. NOW. and i can read it as long as i like.

My favorite thing about the kindle is the idea of copyright.
If an author died before 1943, his writings belong in the public domain. Meaning that whatever i write, right now and try to sell only belongs to mine for a certain period of time. And long after my death, that writing belongs to you. Belongs to education and the general idea of knowledge.

Granted Ronald Barthe died in 1980. His writing is not in the public domain. Does his family get the money? Did he have a family? The publisher? I hardly think he is making anyone millions. Would they have gotten a penny from me anyway? No, I would have gotten it from the library. And if it was one of my favorites, only then would i buy it. To keep. To have as A Book Good Enough To Keep.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

It's Started

It's Started, It's something that i have been battling for a long time. I think my mom battled it too. Maybe before that, maybe its part of our blood. Leaving. We are all here in the new world aren't we? And if we happen to be descended from native Americans, weren't most of them pretty fond of leaving too. Traveling around and posting up in place where the climate makes sense to do so. Like the hobos still do. Like all the crust lords who are sitting in front of the McDonalds on St. Claude.

Growing up, my mom moved me and my sister every two years. I've talked about this before. I've plumbed the depths. And yet I haven't defeated the desire. I moved back here to New Orleans in October of 2009. It's January of 2013. 3 and a half years. I want to leave. I want to come back again, but mostly i want to leave.

I want to live somewhere where im not afraid to walk around at night, which in a way could mean that i should move to the french quarter. But i also don't want to live in a tourist trap. I've made a list. I think it means i should move to denmark, but it could mean the bay, or berlin, or minnesota, or montreal, or maine.

I think it means i need to live cheaply, either by grants or residencies. I think it means i need to incubate, soak into myself, and create. I think it means i feel safe and comfortable and now it is time to take that next step up. I think its time to open the possibilities. To not feel encumbered by the community of friends that i have always feared leaving, the friends i have made that have somehow anchored me in my 20s. It is not abandonment.