Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Back Home

Being back home rules. I mean it. I've been checking off the list that leads to a sister wedding dress done in 3 weeks. I haven't left the house except for a trip to the doctor and a few bike rides and I have to say its been great. Im also on day 4 of a parasite cleanse.

I've pretty much needed to do this for 4 years. It's not as bad as everyone makes it out to be, bloating, pooping, etc. Seeing as whenever i come back to new orleans some intense amount of tiredness overtakes me, its not really messing with whats important.

number one: dress. dress is most important.

2: cleanse

3: eating right (which on the parasite cleanse they say no wheat or sugar) which i just cannot abide. im sorry. Yes, i am a product of the 21st century. I like bread made of wheat and i like cookies. a lot. pizza. what is wrong with pizza? really can you tell me? I don't understand why it is so bad for you. cheese bread tomatoes veggies. yummy.

4: letting my heart and mind wonder all over the information web. watch movies, daydream, write about my daydreams, really tap into my brain heart conundrum, get angsty if thats part of it, and just generally get the space to not question desires and actions. I do what i want. (except for bathing, right now i am too scared of the brain eating amoebas in the water supply.)

5. being active. I downloaded this app on my smart phone called Sworkit. Yoga, stretching, different strength training moves. Great. love it. Going to use it. In conjunction with Ekhart Yoga on youtube. I need to slowly come up to doing some circuit training because i did a 20 minute workout in jersey and it destroyed me for 4 days! I mean it.

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