Friday, April 17, 2009

Glug Glug Glug Boat

I kept meaning to blog about this a little bit, but kept procrastinating. The winter circus was a hit this year once again, check out pictures from the parade on the Asheville Citizen Times website here.
a couple articles in the:
Mountain Express and the Asheville Citizen-Times

And here are some pictures that actually do it justice:
pre-show & showtime.

This year i played tenor saxophone and made the costumes. What a feat! I surely never would have finished unless alyssa swooped in and saved the day. I am glad that they seemed to be hit with everyone who went. I will post pictures of them as i get them from friends.
thanks everyone!


Romas said...
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Romas said...

Here is a low res version. Send your comments to URSE
